Regarding my artwork attributes.
All artwork should have some of these.
No artwork should have all of these. Pardon any redundance in the following list.
1: A sense of place or familiarity
2: Flow in all elements
3: The artwork should capture essence or key points of beauty, structure of the scene.
4: To be something unlike anything you’ve seen before from anyone but me.
5: Cause a triple take that draws the viewer in.
6: Challenge a person’s perception of reality.
7: Pareidolia
8: Complex Uniqueness.
9: Express my idealized view of a place.
10: Luminance
11: Create an appreciation of God’s creation.
12: Evoke an emotional response, hopefully a positive one.
13: Flood a viewer’s mind with several forms of beauty.
14: Create a connection with the location
15: Create a positive feeling within the viewer.
16: To make a person think, how in the world is this artwork created?
17: Invitation to enter the scene and explore.
18: An improvement over previous work in some aspects, building upon things learned in former projects.
19: Simply share some beauty I noticed.
20: Produce in a viewer a sense of being there.
21: Blow your mind, look cool, cause jaws to drop.
22: Cause a viewer to take a break and enjoy something beautiful and interesting.
23: Large scale photographic lighting
24: A blend of favorite art attributes
25: Make you look closer even if you have to go get glasses like I do.
26: Depth in more ways than one.
27: Contrast in more ways than one. such as live vs dead trees
28: Pop
29: Instill a sense of wonder
30: Inimitable